To all E-youth members,

April's schedule is already posted and we will have more new games coming up on April. Hope to see all of you on every Saturday. God Bless.. :)


Dress code: Shorts / track suit
Dark colour t-shirt


Things that need to bring: Water
A set of clothing

Torch light

Money ( you have to pay for your own lunch)

To all participants:

Please bring the things that are mention above because it is very important and you will 100% use it.

On the other hand, do take care of your belongings such as hand phone because the church will not be responsible if you lost your belongings.

Have Fun.. :P


Date: 10-13 June 2009 ( Wed-Sat)

Venue: FGA K.L (Main Sanctuary)

Fee: RM 100 (Inclusive of T-shirt, lunch and dinner)

To all e-youths member:

Yen Tung had told you all that this is a very good conference. So, tomorrow I'll pass a form to all group leaders and pls talk nicely to your parents so that they can let you go.

If you have economic problems pls let your group leader know, we will try our very best to help you. Furthermore, there are no worries about transportation as we will have transport to go there and come back.

Since the seats are limited so the due date for our church is on the 18Th of April. Hope to see all of you there.


Eileen :P

腓力.曼都法 牧師

Pastor Philip Mantofa


一 个比任何台湾人都还要像台湾人的印尼牧师 「一度我感受到神似乎转眼不看印尼,把他所有的爱倾注在台湾。」就是在这个祷告中的画面,让一个32岁、牧养70间教会3万名会友的印尼牧师,放下自己国 家繁忙的事工,多次踏上这块神所深爱的土地-台湾。   2007年於台北、高雄举办的复兴丰收挑战大会中,腓力牧师带来极深的属灵翻转。许多人因着他所分享的信息内容认识了耶稣,并且带出属灵生命的向上提 升。聚会过後,年轻人心中的热情被引爆,无时无刻都想要紧紧抓住耶稣,想永远待在他身边。长时间灵修、通宵祷告、为校园、职场守望都是他们在聚会中领受到 的。是耶稣,这样的改变只有耶稣作得到;是耶稣透过这位谦卑的仆人,帮助这群年轻孩子寻回起初爱神、爱人的心。  「我们要比魔鬼更疯狂,魔鬼有他的恐怖 份子、圣战份子,但我们有耶稣,我们也是恐怖份子、也是圣战份子。」腓力牧师这麽说。神已使用他带领超过40,000个人信耶稣,而他在印尼训练去建立分 堂的牧师,大部份都是20岁初头,他们牧养政府官员、法官、医生、警察署长,参与在整个转化社会的浪潮中。  「我看见神的工作,非常惊讶、非常震撼,我 相信神在台湾要作同样的工作!」

周巽光 牧師 Ps Ewen Chow

现任:台北灵粮堂青年牧区区牧长 / 约书亚乐团团长 / 异象工场音乐制作有限公司负责人

强 烈的门训恩膏:擅长训练及挑望年轻人,所牧养的青年牧区於2005年成长至5堂崇拜(其中一堂为校园崇拜),现平均出席近1400人。成功的音乐事奉:带 领的约书亚乐团已发行十馀张敬拜赞美专辑与流行福音歌曲,并至世界各国服事,透过强有力的敬拜赞美建造稳固的属灵气氛。

周巽正 牧师
Ps Jonathan Chow

美 国Unisity of Nbraska 工商心理学硕士毕业,进入职场工作後回应神的呼召,至瑞典生命之道圣经学院就读。毕业後,於2004年加入台北灵粮堂生命培训学院的策划与师资团队,训练 百馀位校本部的学生,并透过远距教学函授他国各分校的受训者。多次带队至世界各地作中、短期的宣教培训。


source :

Ta da~ this is the Application form for a4j 2009! if u are interested pls kindly contact our youth leaders for more details and registration :D

here is the last year a4j, hehe i oni went for 2 days but its reli nice NO lies! i gain alot from there.. especially from pastor philip mantofa.. his talks are great! aiya talk so many oso no use go experience it is the best =p its only once in a year so don miss it bros and sis :D


To all e-youth members:

So sorry for posting the schedule so late. I had help Yen Tung to post it cause there are some changes in the original schedule i sent to Yen Tung. Hope all of you will come and join us each week. See you all at Saturday. God Bless all of you and have a nice day

Eileen :P

about us?

A christian community =] The place that the youth share their problems and overcome it with the word of god. It is also a community that help the teenagers to grow in physically, mentally and SPIRITUALLY!



营会主题:~ 品格新人王 ~
营会日起16/12/2009 ~ 19/12/2009
( Wednesday ~ Saturday )
营会地点Broga Camp Site ( Semenyih )
营会费用RM160 before 7/11/2009

Talk Talk~